入侵生态学 Invasion Ecology


Invasive Ecology is an elective course of the School of Ecology and Nature Conservation, Beijing Forestry University. The course used Biological Invasion edited by Wan Fanghao, as the main reference book. The contents of the course include the formation and development of invasive ecology (2 class hours), the introduction process of invasive species (4 class hours), the life-history characteristics of invasive species (4 class hours), the physiological and ecological characteristics of invasive species and their responses to environmental factors (2 class hours), the rapid evolution in the process of biological invasion (2 class hours), the interspecific relationship in the biological invasion (2 class hours), the invasiveness of ecological systems (2 class hours), the impact of biological invasion on ecological systems and their assessment (2 class hours), the management of biological invasion (4 class hours), and so on.

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生物统计学 Bio-statistic

《生物统计学》是北京林业大学生态与自然保护学院的一门专业选修课。授课内容包括绪论(2学时)、样本统计量与频度分布(2学时)、概率与分布 (2学时)、t检验(4学时)、方差分析(6个学时)、非参数检验(2个学时)、以及上机训练(10个学时)等。

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